Tansaniakreis Rostock
Tanzania Circle Rostock The Tanzania working group was founded in 2008. The members of both sexes come from different parishes in Rostock and…
envitec pro GmbH
The consulting company envitecpro GmbH is working in cooperation with the University PURCS, the association AMOVITA and the Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft gGmbH on…
Ev.-luth. Versöhnungsgemeinde Lankow
Protestant-Lutheran Parish Versöhnungsgemeinde (Reconciliation) Lankow) (Romania)
Ev.-luth. Kirchengemeinde Wismar St. Nikolai/ Heiligen Geist
Protestant-Lutheran Parish Wismar St. Nikolai/ Heiligen Geist (Romania)
Ev.-luth. Domgemeinde Güstrow
Protestant-Lutheran Parish Güstrow Members of the Tanzanian Circle in Güstrow and their partner parish in Mti visit each other regularly. During these visits…
Ev.-luth. Kirchgemeinde St. Marien/St. Georgen
Protestant-Lutheran Parish St. Marien/St. Georgen (Romania)
Ev.-luth. Kirchengemeinde Grabow
Protestant-Lutheran Parish Grabow A small group from the parish was in Romania in October. This visit was to the town of Sacele with…
Ev.-luth. Kirchengemeinde Kühlungsborn
Protestant-Lutheran Parish Kühlungsborn To support our parish in a sustainable way. How do we use our funds for our partner parish in Makanya?…
Gustav-Adolf-Werk, Hauptgruppe Mecklenburg
Gustav-Adolf-Werk, Main Group, Mecklenburg Fifteen years ago the Lutheran church bought a two-storey building for the parish of Kostanai (Romania) which has been…
Helfer-und Spenderkreis Kasachstan
Donor and Helper Circle for Kazakhstan The focus of this partnership is on working with children and young people, social projects such as…