Tansaniakreis Rostock
Tanzania Circle Rostock The Tanzania working group was founded in 2008. The members of both sexes come from different parishes in Rostock and…
Helfer-und Spenderkreis Kasachstan
Donor and Helper Circle for Kazakhstan The focus of this partnership is on working with children and young people, social projects such as…
Ev.-luth. Kirchgemeinde St. Marien/St. Georgen
Protestant-Lutheran Parish St. Marien/St. Georgen (Romania)
Ev.-luth. Kirchengemeinde Wismar St. Nikolai/ Heiligen Geist
Protestant-Lutheran Parish Wismar St. Nikolai/ Heiligen Geist (Romania)
Ev.-luth. Versöhnungsgemeinde Lankow
Protestant-Lutheran Parish Versöhnungsgemeinde (Reconciliation) Lankow) (Romania)
Gustav-Adolf-Werk, Hauptgruppe Mecklenburg
Gustav-Adolf-Werk, Main Group, Mecklenburg Fifteen years ago the Lutheran church bought a two-storey building for the parish of Kostanai (Romania) which has been…
Ev.-luth. Kirchengemeinde Penzlin
Protestant-Lutheran Parish Penzlin (Romania)
Kirchgemeinde Gehlsdorf
Parish Gehlsorf The Protestant church parish St Michael’s in Gehlsdorf has had a stable partnership with the welfare centre ‘SANDORA’ (Lithuanian -COMMUNITY) of…
Ev.-luth. Kirchengemeinde Grabow
Protestant-Lutheran Parish Grabow A small group from the parish was in Romania in October. This visit was to the town of Sacele with…
Kirchgemeinde Wittenburg
Parish of Wittenburg (Tanzania)