Language is an expression of our inner world, it causes thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Language creates trust, connects, but it also creates distance and defines insurmountable boundaries. It has been known for years that many turns of everyday language use are discriminatory, but they are still used despite all objections. Why can’t we let them be, see them, replace them? The everyday power of racist words begins with standardization, the use of historically proven terms, one-sided attribution of blame or contextual distortions. Many terms are not necessarily insulting at first glance, but they strike a chord with those to whom they are addressed. In this context, not only the choice of words themselves, but also the intention and impact of our speaking is very significant. Publisher: Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland e.V.
Donate well, everything well?
Critical consideration of collecting donations in voluntary service Doing something with good intentions can sometimes lead to unwanted effects or even negative ones. The risks are higher the less we have studied the basic connections and mechanisms involved. These risks are also higher the less we have informed ourselves about the culture, are familiar with the current situation and circumstances, the local language as well as the historical background. It is not without reason then that development co-operation is one of the areas that is often criticised as after having had painful experience a project has to be re-considered. Publisher ICJA Freiwilligenaustausch weltweit e.V.
Eurocentricity and Cooperation in Development work
Ever since the rise of post-colonial and post-development criticism, cooperation in development work has been confronted with the reproach of its eurocentricity. But what exactly does that mean? Is eurocentricity eurocentric per se? What could a non-eurocentric policy look like? From Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 7-9/2015) (Politics and contemporary History)
Four perspectives on South North partnerships Publisher: Kontaktstelle für Umwelt und Entwicklung (KATE) e.V., Berlin 2013 (Contact point for Environment and Development )
IF RACISM FROM WORDS SPEAKS Questions, Controversies, Perspectives.
Language is an expression of our inner world, it causes thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Language creates trust, connects, but it also creates distance and defines insurmountable boundaries. It has been known for years that many turns of everyday language use are discriminatory, but they are still used despite all objections. Why can’t we let them be, see them, replace them? The everyday power of racist words begins with standardization, the use of historically proven terms, one-sided attribution of blame or contextual distortions. Many terms are not necessarily insulting at first glance, but they strike a chord with those to whom they are addressed. In this context, not only the choice of words themselves, but also the intention and impact of our speaking is very significant. Publisher: Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland e.V.
North-South school partnership - how does it work?
This leaflet contains the components of a partnership from financing to public relations as well as a simulation game centred on north-south partnerships. Publisher: Ministry of Agriculture, Environmental and Rural Areas Schleswig Holstein, Christian Social Service Institution, InWent GmbH -Service point for local authorities in one world 2 updated edition Kiel 2010
Partnership and sponsorship
Article from the magazine for international educational research and development pedagogy. (Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik (ZEP) 30) Number 3/2007 This magazine offers different contributions regarding the topics partnership and sponsorship.
Project development and application
Tips and information for small development associations and migrant-diasporic organizations The handout ‘Project development and application – Tips and Hints for small development/political associations and migrant-diaspora organisations’ has been published. With this publication the foundation aims to simplify the process of applying for (financial) support for projects both in Germany and abroad for the above mentioned small organisations. Many of the suggestions can be transferred to other donor organisations.
Project work in church partnerships Wisdom does not only live in one house!
A handout from Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) – Protestant Development Service Berlin 2014.
Racism in German textbooks using African pictures as examples
Teaching materials reproduce colonial African pictures and transport racist ideas. The colonial discourse often remains unrecognised by the teachers. This essay examines the historical genesis of racist ideology and analyzes its continuing effects in textbooks. Using examples, typical modes of representation are shown and racist messages are made visible. The publication by Elina Marmer is available for download at:
Shaping sustainable partnerships
A handbook for all local authorities, groups and initiatives who have international partnerships with parishes abroad. Publisher: Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Norddeutschland, 2013
The tip of the iceberg: Fundraising in international aid organisations - criticism and alternatives
The starting point of ISD’s (Initiatives of Black People in Germany) and ‘glokal’s’ de-colonial world images projectwas the fundraising advertising which is openly displayed to the public and which then affects and leaves its mark on the observer. The images which show crises in the global south are marked by a colonial continuity. The bodies of black people and people of colour are reduced to suffering beings in positions of dependency. People, groups and organisations with different positions and points of view created the impetus for a critical discussion of the fundraising and the aid organisations publicity practices. Initially, however, criticism dominated, subsequently the discussion was reduced to an internal discussion limited to those active within in the development scene. We wanted to go a step further with the De-colonial World Images project by inviting artists Rajkamal Kahlon, Isaiah Lopaz and Lena Ziyal to design alternative fundraising posters. These were then displayed in public places in the centre of Berlin. Apart from the artists’ contributions in this project, this publication has collected voices and opinions as well as alternative suggestions from activists, scientists and artists. To download the e-publication, see:
To get involved
The brochure contains practical information related to all the different phases of partnership work and deals with a wide variety of questions and aspects related to this theme. Publisher: Katholische Landjugendbewegung Deutschland e.V., KLJB, Bad Honnef 2009
We are the world of tomorrow
Guidelines political-development involvement for young people with an extract on the topic’ North-South school partnerships’ Publisher.: Stiftung Entwicklungszusammenarbeit SEZ Baden-Württemberg, revised edition, Stuttgart 2015
With a colonial Greeting.... Reports and Stories from Visits Abroad - seen from a racist-critical point of view
This brochure offers a starting point for those who want to think about the extent to which their perception and reports about the global south are entwined with racist and colonial structures. It introduces themes like colonialism and racism and deals with questions regarding ones own position in society. Publisher: glokal e.V. Berlin 2013
Write about Africa like this! A guide
Süddeutsche Zeitung / 31.05.2010 (South German Newspaper). With a large portion of irony the Kenyan author Binyavanga Wainaina demonstrates which stereotypes are used to report about Africa. Author: Binyavanga Wainaina